

iwapt2020年2月22日(土)にロイヤルヒルズ木更津ビューホテルにて「第7回木更津CMコンテスト」投票&受賞式が行われ、iwaptの映像作品『木更津の魅力 ~Attractive Kisarazu ~』がグランプリ(1位)を受賞し賞金20万円を獲得した。特別審査員はSKE48の山内鈴蘭さん、木更津市長の渡辺芳邦氏、一般社団法人木更津市観光協会会長の野口義信氏、木更津商工会議所会頭の鈴木克己氏の4人だった。



映像で使用された音楽は、iwaptの楽曲「メテオ~あなたへの愛 ~」。EDM、テクノ、トランスミュージックに近いクラブミュージックである。ミキシング(音響)を手がけたのは宇多田ヒカル、マドンナ、ジャネット・ジャクソンなどの一流アーティストを手がけているGoh Hotoda(ゴウ・ホトダ)。

Iwapt received the grand prix championship award for the Chiba’s Kisarazu City movie contest on February 22, 2020. One of the Judges was a Japanese famous idol SKE48 girl “Suzuran Yamauchi(ex AKB48) ” and the mayor of Kisarazu city etc…4 judges . Iwapt’s movie has been up-loaded on the Kisarazu city chamber of commerce and Industry website. And his movie & music will be screened (shown) as a Kisarazu City commercial video on electronic signboards at the Kisarazu station west & east exits.

iwapt spoke in the local media interview that “In addition to Japanese friends, friends from Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Hong Kong actively supported the voting on the Internet. Especially the friends in the Philippines were very supportive, even though the data fee for watching the video would be painful. It means I felt one vote was very crucial. I thank everyone!!! With my warmest regards!!!”

I received the grand prix championship award for the Chiba’s Kisarazu City movie contest on February 22, 2020.

In addition to Japanese friends, friends from Thailand, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Hong Kong actively supported the voting on the Internet. Especially the friends in the Philippines were very supportive, even though the data fee for watching the video would be painful. It means I felt one vote was very crucial. I thank everyone!!! With my warmest regards!!!

The back ground music is iwapt’s song “Meteor Love Toward You”.
The music is a club music close to EDM, techno and trance musics.
The mixing of music was done by Goh Hotoda, a leading artist who works with Hikaru Utada, Madonna, Janet Jackson and etc….